Wednesday, February 28

Lennox Street Stories: The First

How do you tell if the person you're speaking to is on smack? Wait two or three minutes and they will tell you.

It wasn't until our third night out when Amy told me her dad was a killer. We were walking down Lennox in Richmond, down fifty from The London when she told the story.

"First he killed the woman he was with at the time. I never liked her. She wouldn't talk to me on the phone when I used to call him. He killed her with a hatchet."

"Then he came after us."

I remember gazing into a public phone box, then her short skirt, leg, to her neat Doc Marten boots.

"He stormed into our house yelling all this crazy stuff. And then pushing at Mum. My big brother, Steve got between them and they started punching each other and Steve fell and one thing leads to another and Dad pulls out the hatchet from the shed. He swung at Mum, hitting her in the tummy and her chest and then the police came."

"And that's why I think I have trouble trusting guys."

It was our third night out.

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